Comments for United We Game Play, Share, Unite! Tue, 30 Jun 2015 00:37:28 +0000 hourly 1 Comment on If Happiness is a Battle System, then Xenoblade Chronicles Makes Me Smile by Hatm0nster /2015/06/25/if-happiness-is-a-battle-system-then-xenoblade-chronicles-makes-me-smile/comment-page-1/#comment-13903 Tue, 30 Jun 2015 00:37:28 +0000 /?p=4646#comment-13903 Hmm…any RPG that makes grinding feel less like a chore sounds like a winner in my book. I’ll have to look deeper into this. Thanks!

Comment on Outrage Isn’t Working by Hatm0nster /2015/06/28/destiny-outrage-isnt-working/comment-page-1/#comment-13894 Sun, 28 Jun 2015 23:29:29 +0000 /?p=4662#comment-13894 You are correct that Collector’s/Special/Limited editions are also an important part of the problem, and for the most part I agree with you. A special edition that only has digital content, or digital content with a couple of physical knick-knacks isn’t really all that special, and that digital content really shouldn’t be behind a “collector’s edition” paywall to begin with. Perhaps we need to work on better recognizing these things for what they are.

As for pre-orders in general, while they’re mostly only good for the publisher/seller, I just wanted recognize that there are exceptions where preordering might be better. The examples that come to mind are for niche games that only see limited release in a person’s country (preordering can help you avoid missing out entirely), and instances where one can take advantage of a given seller’s deals/rewards to get themselves the game for less than the day 1 price. Other than that, there’s really no reason to preorder, as all it does is encourage all these shady practices; review embargoes and bugged launches included.

Comment on Outrage Isn’t Working by OldPlaystationGamer (@TheOldPSGamer) /2015/06/28/destiny-outrage-isnt-working/comment-page-1/#comment-13891 Sun, 28 Jun 2015 14:05:54 +0000 /?p=4662#comment-13891 Great article but I have to disagree a little.

One thing I have seen an increase of (just as a gaming enthusiast) is that there has been (seemingly) an increase in review embargo’s that end on the day or release or the day before making it impossible to find reviews of the particular game so you can find out more about it and if there are any outstanding issues that would dissuade people from purchasing it (as we have seen recently with the PC version of Batman: Arkham Knight which for the most part a unplayable mess unless you have a top-end computer and even then there are problems).

This is why I firmly believe that a boycott of pre-ordering games could and should be applied. I am not suggesting we deprive ourselves of the games completely but rather we take a sensible approach to our gaming, if it is a developer or publisher that has in the past been known to put out games that are absolutely terrible on first day, then instead of pre-ordering the game you wait a week or so till after the release date and see if there has been any fixes/patches to repair whatever problems there are with the game.

Also maybe this will go part of the way to address the increasingly annoying culture of ‘Limited /Special/Collectors’ Editions of games that for the most part offer little more than paying extra money for in-game content (that has been put behind a pay wall to be sold as DLC) which is so exclusive that within a month or so most of it is usually available for download or on whatever platforms it hadn’t been previously exclusive to

Comment on If Happiness is a Battle System, then Xenoblade Chronicles Makes Me Smile by cary /2015/06/25/if-happiness-is-a-battle-system-then-xenoblade-chronicles-makes-me-smile/comment-page-1/#comment-13879 Sat, 27 Jun 2015 03:38:28 +0000 /?p=4646#comment-13879 Not being fully familar with MMO mechanics and how they might differ from an action RPG, I can’t say for certain. However I will say that grinding in XC is unlike anything I’ve experienced before. Because you have some control over the enemy encounters, and because the battle system is so dynamic, grinding feels less a chore and more like a challenge, and a welcome challenge at that. Even if you take on the same enemy several times in a row, each battle is different — not only can you mix up your attacks, but your teammates do as well. It’s a highly engrossing way to make players become more in tune with their skills, strengths, and weaknesses throughout the game.

Not sure that answer helps any (or makes sense)…watching videos of XC battles might help demonstrate things better, but it’s totally worth seeking out the game to experience it for yourself.

Comment on If Happiness is a Battle System, then Xenoblade Chronicles Makes Me Smile by Hatm0nster /2015/06/25/if-happiness-is-a-battle-system-then-xenoblade-chronicles-makes-me-smile/comment-page-1/#comment-13877 Fri, 26 Jun 2015 23:59:13 +0000 /?p=4646#comment-13877 I heard this game described as a single-player MMO more than a few times. Would you say that’s true? The battle system sounds absolutely thrilling, but if the rumors are true I’m wondering if it can hold up under the weight of MMO-style grinding.

Comment on Not Dead Yet! #gamersonwatch by Hatm0nster /2015/06/21/not-dead-yet-gamersonwatch/comment-page-1/#comment-13876 Fri, 26 Jun 2015 23:49:26 +0000 /?p=4630#comment-13876 It’s definitely “yes” now that they’re trying to use the character to push Project Spark. :(

At least we’ve got Yooka-Laylee coming out next year. You’ll at least get to enjoy that style of gameplay again.

Comment on If Happiness is a Battle System, then Xenoblade Chronicles Makes Me Smile by cary /2015/06/25/if-happiness-is-a-battle-system-then-xenoblade-chronicles-makes-me-smile/comment-page-1/#comment-13874 Fri, 26 Jun 2015 19:16:06 +0000 /?p=4646#comment-13874 Yeah, when battle controls get too complicated, I tend to get really confused as well. The simpler the better. That’s cool about Ni no Kuni (it’s on my to-play list — maybe next year?). Seems it provides you with lots of flexibility during battle while keeping the action moving. There’s nothing worse than a boss battle that’s both confusing and boring.

Though I’m not done with Xenoblade Chronicles, I can’t recommend it enough. I was really worried at first that infrequent play would lead to problems, but it hasn’t been as bad as I would have thought. It does take me a few minutes to get used to the gameplay every time I start up, but once I get reacquainted with everything, it’s smooth sailing. For a big JRPG, it’s pretty easy to pick up and put down.

Comment on If Happiness is a Battle System, then Xenoblade Chronicles Makes Me Smile by cary /2015/06/25/if-happiness-is-a-battle-system-then-xenoblade-chronicles-makes-me-smile/comment-page-1/#comment-13873 Fri, 26 Jun 2015 19:08:28 +0000 /?p=4646#comment-13873 And I’ve found my new screensaver! :D

Honestly though, I love Reyn as a fighter, but his commentary got old pretty quick. Now I’m rockin’ Dunban and Sharla on my team. Sharla is probably my fav as well. And thank goodness “Sharla” doesn’t rhyme with “time.”

Comment on Dread and Gaming Emotions by duckofindeed /2015/06/15/dread-and-gaming-emotions/comment-page-1/#comment-13866 Fri, 26 Jun 2015 16:23:19 +0000 /?p=4595#comment-13866 I really enjoy games that make me feel something, as well. I love games that make me feel sad, for example, because I feel more like a part of the game if I can cry during a sad scene. Final Fantasy X, Okami, Ni no Kuni. All those games really made me feel something, so they have a special place in my heart that other games can’t match.

Comment on If Happiness is a Battle System, then Xenoblade Chronicles Makes Me Smile by duckofindeed /2015/06/25/if-happiness-is-a-battle-system-then-xenoblade-chronicles-makes-me-smile/comment-page-1/#comment-13864 Fri, 26 Jun 2015 16:07:56 +0000 /?p=4646#comment-13864 I used to want to play this game, but it’s length makes me rather afraid. I am currently in the middle of playing an RPG with a less overwhelming length, Ni no Kuni, and I really enjoy the battle system in this game, as well. You have three characters in your party that can fight, and each of them have three creatures that can help you in battle, as well. You can only control one at a time, and selecting attack will cause them to attack until a timer runs out (you can cancel it early if you want, as well), and then you can choose attack again or pick something else. Plus, you have lots of extra moves, like magic spells, as well, or the option to defend and the like. And my favorite thing, you could actually walk around in battle, unlike many RPGs. So yeah, I thought Ni no Kuni had a great battle system because it’s very simple, but very effective. I just don’t understand complicated battle systems a lot of RPGs have. I get easily confused.
