Category Archives: Polls

Setting Paths and Changing Outcomes in RPGs

Dragon Age: Inquisition screenshot by Flicker user Mark Molea (CC)
Dragon Age: Inquisition screenshot by Flickr user Mark Molea (CC)

Recently, a number of our posts here have focused, in ways directly or indirectly, on challenges associated with being adult gamers. As much as we might not like to admit it, as we grow older, our gaming habits change, sometimes by choice, often by necessity. Demanding jobs, growing families, and surmounting financial concerns all eat away at free time that we may have once had to devote to games. In my gaming life, the requirements of the real world have especially impacted one of my gaming habits in particular, that of playing through a single game with multiple characters and having each follow a distinct path.

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[!] How do you obtain information about video games?

Image by Flickr user Travis Estell (CC)
Image by Flickr user Travis Estell (CC)

The quest for information is a never ending pursuit. Human beings crave knowledge about everything, from the world’s most monumental questions (“Why are we here?”) to the least life-changing queries. (“What socks am I going to wear today?”) This fact is no different when it comes to video games. From the moment they were created, we wanted to know everything about them – how to play them, how they were made, their respective “fun factors,” if they were worth having in the home, and so on. As with life in general, the way we receive information about our games has evolved.  Early on, the best place to find out about a new game might have been in an arcade. Talking to your closest gaming friends (and maybe some strangers) and/or watching them play probably gave you everything you needed to know but most importantly, whether or not a given game was worth your time and quarters.

Continue reading [!] How do you obtain information about video games?

UWG’s Social Media Poll: The Results

A few weeks ago, we released a poll concerning United We Game and social media. It was our first foray into polling, and rest assured, it will not be our last! We had a fantastic turn-out for this poll, and we’re now pleased to publish the results. This input is invaluable as we work in maintaining and  improving United We Game’s social media presence. This, in turn, will assist us in making this the best possible site for gamers and bloggers. THANK YOU to everyone who voted!

We welcome any and all feedback, so if you have something to say, go ahead and do so in the comments, or drop us a line at Thank you to all our contributors, readers, and followers for helping to make UWG the site that it’s become today. Play, Share, Unite! Continue reading UWG’s Social Media Poll: The Results

A United We Game Poll: Social Media


Hi everyone! We here at UWG hope that you’ve been enjoying Listmas and all the wonderful lists that everyone has created. Later today will go up the final list of links to create one massive, uber list of blog posts galore! There’s going be so much there to read and enjoy, and we can’t thank blogger C. T. Murphy of Murf vs. Internet enough for giving us the chance to host the Internet’s first Listmas!

And here we’ve got another list of sorts and another first — United We Game’s first poll! Behind the scenes, UWG’s admins have been quite busy hashing out UWG’s future in content, look, and outreach. In order to help set some of our goals, we’re turning to our readers and followers for suggestions on how we can make UWG the best community gaming site possible. So over the coming weeks, we’ll be releasing a few polls on different subjects. First up, United We Game and social media. Please feel free to leave comments and ask questions (either generally or on specific questions); and thank you in advance for your answers and help!